
Our lightweight range of direct drive wheels.

With the multitude of mounting options provided by the 80/20 compatible mount and Universal base plate along with the lighter motors used in the various models, the "Compacts" are designed to fit all sim rigs and wheel stands without additional modification or reinforcement. 

Each model has a dedicated hardware/software stack, ships ready-to-run with firmware pre-installed and is easily managed with its unique configuration software.

2 new models

SW8 Compact+ (SW8C+): 8Nm wheel with a 8,388,608 cpr absolute encoder
SW13 Compact+ (SW13C+): 13Nm wheel with a 8,388,608 cpr absolute encoder

replace the original 3 models, each with 2 variants

SW7 Compact (SW7C): 7Nm wheel with a 10,000 cpr incremental encoder
SW7 Compact + (SW7C+): 7Nm wheel with a 8,388,608 cpr absolute encoder
SW10 Compact (SW10C): 10Nm wheel with a 20,000 cpr incremental encoder
SW10 Compact + (SW10C+): 10Nm wheel with a 8,388,608 cpr absolute encoder
SW12 Compact (SW12C): 12Nm wheel with a 20,000 cpr incremental encoder
SW12 Compact + (SW12C+): 12Nm wheel with a 8,388,608 cpr absolute encoder